Monday, December 21, 2015

Who done it?

For Quinn's 9th birthday, we had fun celebrating with a Mystery birthday party.

Can you hear me?

We also got an opportunity to appear in USC's Viterbi Magazine this year. Trina was contacted by a representative at the rag because they wanted to include her in a series about the hobbies of various faculty members at USC. One of Trina's hobbies is making fancy cakes, so we baked two cakes in the form of mobile phones as a little tribute to Andrew Viterbi, the well-known scientist who invented CDMA mobile phone technology, helped to found Qualcomm Inc. and is also the Viterbi School of Engineering's namesake. It was fun to see our pictures in a magazine---and eating the cakes afterwards was pretty fun too.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Everything is Awesome!

Everything was awesome at Quinn's Lego Movie-themed birthday party! 

Q is 7!

Quinn turned seven on March 7, 2013.  He loves playing a computer game named Minecraft, which was the theme of his birthday party.  Here is a photo of him with his cake.

50 Golden Years

We were honored to make the desserts for Jim & Sherilyn's 5th anniversary party. It was a small way to say thanks for all of the love & support they have given us over the past 36 years that they have known us.

Birds of a Feather

In 2012, Quinn loved the movie Rio, thus wanted a Rio themed birthday party for his 6th birthday. He told us that he wanted a heart-shaped cake with the two main birds, Blu and Jewel, on top. Since we are engineers, we think we can make anything including birds. We used rice krispy treats for their bodies and covered them with fondant, gum paste, and frosting. Quinn was happy!

Holy Cake, Batman!

Shelly and Juliet wanted a Batmobile cake for their 18th birthdays, so we made them one. It's hard to believe that Shelly was the flower girl in our wedding.