Thursday, May 29, 2014

Everything is Awesome!

Everything was awesome at Quinn's Lego Movie-themed birthday party! 

Q is 7!

Quinn turned seven on March 7, 2013.  He loves playing a computer game named Minecraft, which was the theme of his birthday party.  Here is a photo of him with his cake.

50 Golden Years

We were honored to make the desserts for Jim & Sherilyn's 5th anniversary party. It was a small way to say thanks for all of the love & support they have given us over the past 36 years that they have known us.

Birds of a Feather

In 2012, Quinn loved the movie Rio, thus wanted a Rio themed birthday party for his 6th birthday. He told us that he wanted a heart-shaped cake with the two main birds, Blu and Jewel, on top. Since we are engineers, we think we can make anything including birds. We used rice krispy treats for their bodies and covered them with fondant, gum paste, and frosting. Quinn was happy!

Holy Cake, Batman!

Shelly and Juliet wanted a Batmobile cake for their 18th birthdays, so we made them one. It's hard to believe that Shelly was the flower girl in our wedding.

Life is a Game!

Evan is eight years old and in 3rd grade. He loves math and science (what a surprise!) Evan's love of video games continues unabated. For his eighth birthday party, he wanted a cake in the shape of a PLAYSTATION 3, and we did our best to oblige:

Scooby Doo and the Gang

Evan is seven! (Isn't that fun to say!) For his birthday, he had a Scooby Doo themed party, and we dressed us as the Mystery Inc. gang.


Wizard Quinn

For Quinn's 4th birthday, he had a Harry Potter themed party. The house was decorated like Hogwarts castle, we made chocolate frogs, and the cake looked like the "Monster Book of Monsters." He even got a Harry Potter wand as a present.


Happy VI Birthday EVAN

Using the force, Evan, his friends and his family had a great time celebrating his 6th birthday.
Just like his dad, Evan is a huge Star Wars fan.

Evan designed his own cake and wanted it in the shape of 2 lightsabers. With inspiration from Ace of Cakes, Jason & Trina created his cake. The red lightsaber (the dark side) is chocolate cake, and the blue lightsaber (the good side) is white cake (actually butter). We used fondant for the handles and sparkly sugar glitter for the lightsabers. Jason even wrote Evan in "Star Wars" font. Click on the image for a closer look.
(Just don't ask how long it took to make. What we do for our kids!)

Evan insisted on getting a photo of him & his friend Ben pretending to fight with the lightsabers.

Look at me, I'm 3!!!

On March 7th, 2009, Quinn turned 3.

He says, "I'm three" which sounds more like "I'm fwee!"
Here's Quinny looking at his Backyardigans cake that we made. Yum!

Here's the Latest Buzz... Evan is 5!!!

On June 15th, 2008, Evan turned 5! He sure it happy about it.

We made Zurg's cake for our Buzz Lightyear fan.

Quinny Q and Winnie the Pooh

Quinny Q turned 2...
and he celebrated with Winnie the Pooh and Tigger too!

On March 7th, Quinn turned 2, and we had a birthday party on Saturday, March 15th. We had fun making the "Hunny" pot cake
Quinn loved having everyone sing "Happy Birthday" to him. He danced and sang along. And he loved eating his cake with a fork. 

Pirate Party

For Evan's 4th birthday, we celebrated with a pirate party. We made a Jolly Roger flag cake.

Monkeying Around

For Evan's third birthday, we had a Curious George-themed birthday party. So we made a monkey cake!