Thursday, May 29, 2014

Happy VI Birthday EVAN

Using the force, Evan, his friends and his family had a great time celebrating his 6th birthday.
Just like his dad, Evan is a huge Star Wars fan.

Evan designed his own cake and wanted it in the shape of 2 lightsabers. With inspiration from Ace of Cakes, Jason & Trina created his cake. The red lightsaber (the dark side) is chocolate cake, and the blue lightsaber (the good side) is white cake (actually butter). We used fondant for the handles and sparkly sugar glitter for the lightsabers. Jason even wrote Evan in "Star Wars" font. Click on the image for a closer look.
(Just don't ask how long it took to make. What we do for our kids!)

Evan insisted on getting a photo of him & his friend Ben pretending to fight with the lightsabers.

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